I think that the love affair (in my head) with my secret, undercover, wish you my lover - is over. I've decided that chasing folks is far beneath me. I'm Leo the Lion for goodness sake! Lions prey for food, not for affection. Damn that...
Now in his defense, I doubt that he even knows that I'm interested, let alone remember my name - but still. I'm going back to my hay-day when the fellas would flock TO ME. I WILL NOT BE ONE OF THOSE DESPERATE BLACK WOMEN ON THOSE CNN SPECIALS ABOUT NOT BEING ABLE TO FIND A GOOD MAN! I'm too cool for that. Men smell desperation and if you're lucky, they'll run from it. If you're not lucky, they'll take advantage of it. It's a shame what one must go through just for the opportunity and longing to be loved...
So with my new weight loss...I'm getting my sexy BACK. Yeah thats right. My fat ass fell off for a couple of years. I think my longing for romance (did I mention that I'm a Leo - the most romantic and passionate sign of the zodiac) caused me to lower my standards. I thought, "well why not get to know a person for them?" Fuck that. The next person will be as close to perfect as I would like him to be. I'm not sewing a dress and trying to "make it work" (In my Tim Gunn voice) I'm going straight to Neiman's and buying that shit right off the rack. Not only will it be pristine in my eyes but all of the bitches will envy...
Enough of my tangent...Tiff Money is giving the fellas her ass to kiss in 20-1-1. Bask and revel in bitches. There's nothing you can do about it. The Lioness will proudly take her seat back on the thrown...Did you miss me?
Ok. This video is AWESOME. Well actually the song is better, the video helps you understand the song - you know, if you aren't as smart as me. HAHA! This is BODIES by Cee-lo. The entire song is a euphemism for SEX. Not just sex, GETTING IN. MURDERING it to be exact. Oh yeah...The video explained (at least from my point of view): He's a serial killer (check out the heel collection - serial killers take a souvenir and leave a calling card) He's also playing a doctor - I'm thinking Dr. Kevorkian. He explains to the women that he intends to "murder" them and will have no remorse in the morning. They willingly go for it knowing that it will be the end for them. Oh yeah I also think that him "murdering" it also means that his lovin' is for one night only. My favorite line - "they say that chivalry is dead, then why is her body laying in my bed." Meaning while others may be on that bullshit, Cee-lo's got what it takes to talk you out of those draws baby. lol. Even awesomer- Janelle Monae turns the tables on him and "murders" him. I need to "murder" some people myself...
A day in the life...
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Current Feeling...PASSION
This video currently sums up how I am feeling at the moment.
Did you know that the Leo is the most passionate sign of the zodiac? Well it is. If you have ever had the pleasure of "being" with a Leo then you know what I mean. This song has literally taken a page from my "love" book. In it she describes passion. Making love to the point of a Euphoric state. Letting your mind and body be free to enjoy pleasure.
I think that people complicate sex too much. Do what feels good. Have a truely passionate experience. Step outside of yourself for a moment. "It's the laws of attractions that set actions, Not the voices of the conscious programmed with so much nonsense. Trying to fear us from what's natural. We were all born supernatural." As a lover - and generally nosey person, I LOVE getting to know my lover inside and out. What makes him moan, squirm and scream...and that's enough about me today. LMFAO. This goes out to my secret, under-cover, wish I was your lover...you should just "Let Me." Enjoy the video.
Here are the lyrics.
I see you thinking if I'm thinking what you're thinking*
I just move where the mood inside takes me
Looks like faith means to lead us into nowhere
Touching every layer of matter from beginning to latter
It's the laws of attractions that set actions
Not the voices of the conscious programmed with so much nonsense
Trying to fear us from what's natural
We were all born supernatural
And right now I just wanna get closer to you
[Chorus (2x):]
If you let me
I'd love to
Baby tell me would you let me
If you let me
I'd love to
Baby will you?
Let me
Sometimes I get carried away by the...
To be with you night and day
I love the way we miss behave
In that earthly way it means I get to feel you with all senses
Burning in senses
These... how could I forget it?
I'm not the good girl nor the bad girl
I'm a woman
Hear me roar while you adore me
And employ me to explore for your mission
I'm on a mission to find you
Will you let me?
[Repeat Chorus:]
I suppose now it's the time
That we imply body soul and min
Do you mind
I'll just love it
If you will let me find myself in you
Let me introduce you to a seduction
That will guide you into another groove
I see future in you
I read pages of you
And never get tired
You get me higher
This flow is... another place another space
I hope you'll retry what you've ever lost
Did you know that the Leo is the most passionate sign of the zodiac? Well it is. If you have ever had the pleasure of "being" with a Leo then you know what I mean. This song has literally taken a page from my "love" book. In it she describes passion. Making love to the point of a Euphoric state. Letting your mind and body be free to enjoy pleasure.
I think that people complicate sex too much. Do what feels good. Have a truely passionate experience. Step outside of yourself for a moment. "It's the laws of attractions that set actions, Not the voices of the conscious programmed with so much nonsense. Trying to fear us from what's natural. We were all born supernatural." As a lover - and generally nosey person, I LOVE getting to know my lover inside and out. What makes him moan, squirm and scream...and that's enough about me today. LMFAO. This goes out to my secret, under-cover, wish I was your lover...you should just "Let Me." Enjoy the video.
Here are the lyrics.
I see you thinking if I'm thinking what you're thinking*
I just move where the mood inside takes me
Looks like faith means to lead us into nowhere
Touching every layer of matter from beginning to latter
It's the laws of attractions that set actions
Not the voices of the conscious programmed with so much nonsense
Trying to fear us from what's natural
We were all born supernatural
And right now I just wanna get closer to you
[Chorus (2x):]
If you let me
I'd love to
Baby tell me would you let me
If you let me
I'd love to
Baby will you?
Let me
Sometimes I get carried away by the...
To be with you night and day
I love the way we miss behave
In that earthly way it means I get to feel you with all senses
Burning in senses
These... how could I forget it?
I'm not the good girl nor the bad girl
I'm a woman
Hear me roar while you adore me
And employ me to explore for your mission
I'm on a mission to find you
Will you let me?
[Repeat Chorus:]
I suppose now it's the time
That we imply body soul and min
Do you mind
I'll just love it
If you will let me find myself in you
Let me introduce you to a seduction
That will guide you into another groove
I see future in you
I read pages of you
And never get tired
You get me higher
This flow is... another place another space
I hope you'll retry what you've ever lost
Monday, January 17, 2011
The Randomness...Bitch!
Random thoughts for the week-
I like to curse. It's fun. Too bad I'm a lady/professional and can't do it as much as I'd like but...
I'm trying for figure out why it's so cold in my damn apartment!?! What the hell is that all of that about!
I put a perm in my head for the first time in 2 years and it feels STUPENDOUS! Yeah, on Martin Luther King Jr day too! Ha! Does it make me less of a Negro American because I took the Afro out of African American? Hell NO! To all of you that think so, GET OFF OF YOUR HIGH HORSES! Unless you're tryna strip butt ass naked, walk around barefoot, strip yourself of all the worldly possessions that you've amassed since your plight from slavery, get the hell over yourself! Just cuz you're happy to be nappy doesn't mean that I have to be too. Jerks! It's not my fault that I'm tender-headed!!
DirectTV just MADE me pay my bill (as in they withdrew the money out of my account without even asking, then told me that it was their money and that they didn't even need to give me so much as a phone call -wow) So why the hell is there NOTHING on TV! Damn! Where are the recent releases? the dirty movies? the trashy reality tv? what's going on!!?! I've seen like 10 episodes of the Golden Girls today! What the shit!?
Doesn't it suck when people lie and spread rumors about you, especially when it's not necessary. Especially to people that you don't even know and that DON'T fucking know you!? One day, I'm going to sue one of these motherfuckas for slander. KEEP MY NAME OUT YO MOUTH!
Speaking of liars, I'm reminded of this guy that I went on a few dates with 2 summers ago. We didn't so much as kiss (because he's an asshole) yet he felt the need to run around to my co-workers that he worked with a year prior, and made up all of these lies about us getting down an dirty! I'm waiting for the day that I cross paths with that BITCH again! I can't wait to let loose on him. If anyone knows me, they know that I am not down with doing hoe shit or anything of the such. He has tried to soil my reputation. I think a duel is in order!
Whores. What are they good for? Absolutely nothing. Say it again!
I'm trying to figure out why my ass is slowly yet surely deflating. That shit is not cool! I've lost weight before but, never my ass. I mean REALLY! This is very upsetting! Now I know how MJ felt when he got the vitiligo... I'm feeling less and less like a black woman.
Speaking of losing weight, what the hell kind of exercises do I need to do to get rid of this damn stomach! SHIT! Is there a Homer Simpson diet! What the hell! I don't even know what my body type is. This is very frustrating!
Can you believe that I haven't had A DRINK since I got back from Ohio!?! Raise the roof for me please!
People that get tattoos on their face are idiots! What the hell kind of job will you get with a bunch of bullshit on your face? Do you know that I heard some kid actually say "I'm going to get an asterisk on my face because I'm a special kind of star" Fo'real though? At what point in time does one get tired of making hourly wages? I guess never. McDonalds drive thru for that kid! Black and Yellow, Black and Yellow.
If you have a crush on someone for 3 1/2 months, is that still a crush? Oh, I guess nothing worth anything is ever easy to obtain. As I've stated before, this is going to take some time.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder...so does Abstinence.
This concludes my tangent for this evening.
I like to curse. It's fun. Too bad I'm a lady/professional and can't do it as much as I'd like but...
I'm trying for figure out why it's so cold in my damn apartment!?! What the hell is that all of that about!
I put a perm in my head for the first time in 2 years and it feels STUPENDOUS! Yeah, on Martin Luther King Jr day too! Ha! Does it make me less of a Negro American because I took the Afro out of African American? Hell NO! To all of you that think so, GET OFF OF YOUR HIGH HORSES! Unless you're tryna strip butt ass naked, walk around barefoot, strip yourself of all the worldly possessions that you've amassed since your plight from slavery, get the hell over yourself! Just cuz you're happy to be nappy doesn't mean that I have to be too. Jerks! It's not my fault that I'm tender-headed!!
DirectTV just MADE me pay my bill (as in they withdrew the money out of my account without even asking, then told me that it was their money and that they didn't even need to give me so much as a phone call -wow) So why the hell is there NOTHING on TV! Damn! Where are the recent releases? the dirty movies? the trashy reality tv? what's going on!!?! I've seen like 10 episodes of the Golden Girls today! What the shit!?
Doesn't it suck when people lie and spread rumors about you, especially when it's not necessary. Especially to people that you don't even know and that DON'T fucking know you!? One day, I'm going to sue one of these motherfuckas for slander. KEEP MY NAME OUT YO MOUTH!
Speaking of liars, I'm reminded of this guy that I went on a few dates with 2 summers ago. We didn't so much as kiss (because he's an asshole) yet he felt the need to run around to my co-workers that he worked with a year prior, and made up all of these lies about us getting down an dirty! I'm waiting for the day that I cross paths with that BITCH again! I can't wait to let loose on him. If anyone knows me, they know that I am not down with doing hoe shit or anything of the such. He has tried to soil my reputation. I think a duel is in order!
Whores. What are they good for? Absolutely nothing. Say it again!
I'm trying to figure out why my ass is slowly yet surely deflating. That shit is not cool! I've lost weight before but, never my ass. I mean REALLY! This is very upsetting! Now I know how MJ felt when he got the vitiligo... I'm feeling less and less like a black woman.
Speaking of losing weight, what the hell kind of exercises do I need to do to get rid of this damn stomach! SHIT! Is there a Homer Simpson diet! What the hell! I don't even know what my body type is. This is very frustrating!
Can you believe that I haven't had A DRINK since I got back from Ohio!?! Raise the roof for me please!
People that get tattoos on their face are idiots! What the hell kind of job will you get with a bunch of bullshit on your face? Do you know that I heard some kid actually say "I'm going to get an asterisk on my face because I'm a special kind of star" Fo'real though? At what point in time does one get tired of making hourly wages? I guess never. McDonalds drive thru for that kid! Black and Yellow, Black and Yellow.
If you have a crush on someone for 3 1/2 months, is that still a crush? Oh, I guess nothing worth anything is ever easy to obtain. As I've stated before, this is going to take some time.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder...so does Abstinence.
This concludes my tangent for this evening.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
I'm Just Saying...
I'm not saying that I'm a Gold Digger, but I ain't messing with no broke n@$#'s.
I don't need your money, that's why I work and went to college. What I do need, is for you to have your own money and maybe a little extra if I should ever need it. I, in turn, will have the same. Please and Thank you.
Lost 27lbs...Getting shit done in 20-1-1
Wassup Homeslices!!!!!
Well if you haven't heard the good news yet, I'VE LOST 27lbs TO DATE!!! Oh yeah!! Why do I still feel fat though? I must have been REALLY fat before. HA!!!! Oh well, its coming off and I'm trying to keep it coming off. I'm giving myself until MARCH to get this weight off. I have 27lbs more to go to get to my to goal weight. This week, I decide to buckle down with a strict diet (NO CARBS), exercise (4 times this week) and NO BOOZING, and I lost 6lbs AND an inch and a half off of my waist.. YAY!
Now, while I have been dieting, up until recently I've been HALF-ASSING it! I would diet and make healthy choices and exercise throughout the week, but when Friday hit, I would go on a 3 day binge. I would eat whatever I wanted and drink all of the booze and beer that my little heart desired. I was sabotaging myself. Well I've decided that I'm going to GO HARD! Meaning, I'm going to diet and exercise hardcore (maybe medium core on the exercise part - I'm still a little lazy). This means that my diet's arch nemesis will have to take a backseat until March. Who might that be you ask....
My good friend, Johhny Walker. Oh sigh...how I miss him, but it is truly for the best. While scotch has a lower sugar content than all of the other liquors - which is why I started drinking it in the first place- it also makes me want to drink other things and eat things that aren't good for me. Like, drinking a scotch and chasing it with a pint of beer and then maybe nibbling on potato chips, etc...Now when you drink about 4 scotches and chase them with 2 pints of beer...well that shit adds up! So, from now on, NO MORE ALCOHOL - PERIOD. As much as I'll miss my friend Johhny for the next couple of months, I'm looking forward to being able to wear whatever the HELL I want this spring. I.CAN'T. WAIT.
Do you want to know what I did?
Well, I've cut out all carbs-alcohol is a carb as well. Now, while I can eat healthy, the drinking is what got me. This is what a low carb diet consist of: Protein and Vegetables. That's it!!! If you're eating anything else, you're eating a freaking carb/sugar what is what adds to your waistline. I've also amped up the exercise routine. This week I exercised 4x. I typically exercise 3x a week. Also, I drink a big jug of hot green tea every morning, which helps speed up your metabolism. Lastly, I try to eat 4 - 5 times a day. This too helps speed up your metabolism. I was ecstatic to find that I had not gained 1lbs during my 2 week excursion to Cleveland! This is probably because my metabolism is in high gear.
Here are some foods that YOU CAN NOT HAVE while on a low carb diet: FRUIT. Period. No exception. If you need something sweet, grab a SUGAR FREE Jello, soon you'll kick those sweet cravings in no time. Veggies that are unexceptionable: Peas, CARROTS, and corn. These veggies are very sweet and contain alot of carbs. Starches: NO FREAKING STARCHES AT ALL! This means desserts, popcorn, anything fried, anything made with flour or wheat and potatoes. Of course as I stated before: NO ALCOHOL. My diet is pretty strict but I'm finding that I have a lot of options. Oh yeah...I don't eat after 7/8pm either.
Here is a list of foods that you can eat on the South Beach diet - Phase 1. This phase usually lasts for 2 week, but I'm going to do it for at least 4.
I can assure you that this diet definitely WORKS. You won't gain the weight back.
Another diet you can try: The No Flour, No Sugar Diet. This one is also pretty good AND you can eat fruit.
Now for some of you, cutting carbs is almost impossible. So what can you do? Count calories! This is the system that Weight Watchers uses. You'd lose weight at a slower pace than you would if you went on a low carb diet BUT you'd lose it none the less. Average of 10lbs a month. My mother lost 60lbs in 6 months on Weight Watchers. Now the way WW works is that you're given a point(calorie) value for your weight. So a 220lbs person will get more points that they can eat versus a 170lbs person. You can still have whatever you want, as long as you stay within your point range. Not bad at all. If you really want to go on a low cal diet though, eat around 1200 calories a day. Doing so, you'll lose about 3lbs a week, even more when you add exercise too it!!!!
Check these out: These are sample 1200 calorie diet plans.
As always do the research and find what's best for YOU!
I hope that this was helpful! Remember, spring and summer is right around the corner!!!!!
Well if you haven't heard the good news yet, I'VE LOST 27lbs TO DATE!!! Oh yeah!! Why do I still feel fat though? I must have been REALLY fat before. HA!!!! Oh well, its coming off and I'm trying to keep it coming off. I'm giving myself until MARCH to get this weight off. I have 27lbs more to go to get to my to goal weight. This week, I decide to buckle down with a strict diet (NO CARBS), exercise (4 times this week) and NO BOOZING, and I lost 6lbs AND an inch and a half off of my waist.. YAY!
Now, while I have been dieting, up until recently I've been HALF-ASSING it! I would diet and make healthy choices and exercise throughout the week, but when Friday hit, I would go on a 3 day binge. I would eat whatever I wanted and drink all of the booze and beer that my little heart desired. I was sabotaging myself. Well I've decided that I'm going to GO HARD! Meaning, I'm going to diet and exercise hardcore (maybe medium core on the exercise part - I'm still a little lazy). This means that my diet's arch nemesis will have to take a backseat until March. Who might that be you ask....
My good friend, Johhny Walker. Oh sigh...how I miss him, but it is truly for the best. While scotch has a lower sugar content than all of the other liquors - which is why I started drinking it in the first place- it also makes me want to drink other things and eat things that aren't good for me. Like, drinking a scotch and chasing it with a pint of beer and then maybe nibbling on potato chips, etc...Now when you drink about 4 scotches and chase them with 2 pints of beer...well that shit adds up! So, from now on, NO MORE ALCOHOL - PERIOD. As much as I'll miss my friend Johhny for the next couple of months, I'm looking forward to being able to wear whatever the HELL I want this spring. I.CAN'T. WAIT.
Do you want to know what I did?
Well, I've cut out all carbs-alcohol is a carb as well. Now, while I can eat healthy, the drinking is what got me. This is what a low carb diet consist of: Protein and Vegetables. That's it!!! If you're eating anything else, you're eating a freaking carb/sugar what is what adds to your waistline. I've also amped up the exercise routine. This week I exercised 4x. I typically exercise 3x a week. Also, I drink a big jug of hot green tea every morning, which helps speed up your metabolism. Lastly, I try to eat 4 - 5 times a day. This too helps speed up your metabolism. I was ecstatic to find that I had not gained 1lbs during my 2 week excursion to Cleveland! This is probably because my metabolism is in high gear.
Here are some foods that YOU CAN NOT HAVE while on a low carb diet: FRUIT. Period. No exception. If you need something sweet, grab a SUGAR FREE Jello, soon you'll kick those sweet cravings in no time. Veggies that are unexceptionable: Peas, CARROTS, and corn. These veggies are very sweet and contain alot of carbs. Starches: NO FREAKING STARCHES AT ALL! This means desserts, popcorn, anything fried, anything made with flour or wheat and potatoes. Of course as I stated before: NO ALCOHOL. My diet is pretty strict but I'm finding that I have a lot of options. Oh yeah...I don't eat after 7/8pm either.
Here is a list of foods that you can eat on the South Beach diet - Phase 1. This phase usually lasts for 2 week, but I'm going to do it for at least 4.
I can assure you that this diet definitely WORKS. You won't gain the weight back.
Another diet you can try: The No Flour, No Sugar Diet. This one is also pretty good AND you can eat fruit.
Now for some of you, cutting carbs is almost impossible. So what can you do? Count calories! This is the system that Weight Watchers uses. You'd lose weight at a slower pace than you would if you went on a low carb diet BUT you'd lose it none the less. Average of 10lbs a month. My mother lost 60lbs in 6 months on Weight Watchers. Now the way WW works is that you're given a point(calorie) value for your weight. So a 220lbs person will get more points that they can eat versus a 170lbs person. You can still have whatever you want, as long as you stay within your point range. Not bad at all. If you really want to go on a low cal diet though, eat around 1200 calories a day. Doing so, you'll lose about 3lbs a week, even more when you add exercise too it!!!!
Check these out: These are sample 1200 calorie diet plans.
As always do the research and find what's best for YOU!
I hope that this was helpful! Remember, spring and summer is right around the corner!!!!!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
I'm a recovering, undercover, over lover...
My friend Kari and I were at a bar sharing the current states of our love lives. The consensus: Fuck the bullshit. She brought something to my attention that for a moment, I almost forgot as you may have read in previous posts. This is what she said: "Men. All men, whether black or white, old or young are ALL assholes. You just have to take the time to weed them out and find the good ones." Wow. I thought that this was enlightening especially considering my contemplation of flight from my brown brethren. I guess I gotta deal with the BS from the whole bag of skittles, not just the M&M's.
Well, while I will say that I'll put my hand back in my bag of M&M's to see what may come of it, I'm not settling until I get my Mr. GOODBAR. Yeah, in 2011 I'm not wasting anymore time. I've already began to lay the ground work for my efficiency in finding one worthy of me (see previous posts) it's going down NOW. Don't we all just want to be loved? Don't we all deserve it? I know I do. While I enjoy being single at times, I kind of miss the companionship. I don't however, miss companionship enough to settle for an ASSHOLE as my companion, a broke ass one at that. Fuck that. I gotta say, I'm going to be a little bit more of a jerk when choosing who I'd like to spend my time with...AND THE BETTER NOT FUCK IT UP.
I've always seen myself as a wild stallion. For those of you that know me personally, you know that I am pretty wild and difficult to tame. Well, there are very few occasions that I find an individual worthy of riding me. When they happen to come around, I am kind and allow them to saddle up. However, should they ever take me along the wrong path, I will remind them of how gracious I was just for the opportunity to even stand next to me, by throwing them off of my back with such fury that they will never forget that this wasn't the beast to fuck with. That's where I'm at in 2011. Not taking ANY shit.
My friend Vrere's 2011 slogan: "We used to get it in 2010, now we're getting shit done in 2-0-1-1."
Anyway, this song is the best 2:35 seconds of my life. It's the beginning of Erykah Badu's "Out my mind, Just in Time" The beginning of the song (my favorite part) talks about how she loved and individual so much that she was willing to do whatever he asked of her. Now the song in its entirety is about 10 min long. Through out it, she is realizing the she was fool to let someone have that much control over her emotions, especially one that was not deserving of such.
Enjoy the videos.
Well, while I will say that I'll put my hand back in my bag of M&M's to see what may come of it, I'm not settling until I get my Mr. GOODBAR. Yeah, in 2011 I'm not wasting anymore time. I've already began to lay the ground work for my efficiency in finding one worthy of me (see previous posts) it's going down NOW. Don't we all just want to be loved? Don't we all deserve it? I know I do. While I enjoy being single at times, I kind of miss the companionship. I don't however, miss companionship enough to settle for an ASSHOLE as my companion, a broke ass one at that. Fuck that. I gotta say, I'm going to be a little bit more of a jerk when choosing who I'd like to spend my time with...AND THE BETTER NOT FUCK IT UP.
I've always seen myself as a wild stallion. For those of you that know me personally, you know that I am pretty wild and difficult to tame. Well, there are very few occasions that I find an individual worthy of riding me. When they happen to come around, I am kind and allow them to saddle up. However, should they ever take me along the wrong path, I will remind them of how gracious I was just for the opportunity to even stand next to me, by throwing them off of my back with such fury that they will never forget that this wasn't the beast to fuck with. That's where I'm at in 2011. Not taking ANY shit.
My friend Vrere's 2011 slogan: "We used to get it in 2010, now we're getting shit done in 2-0-1-1."
Anyway, this song is the best 2:35 seconds of my life. It's the beginning of Erykah Badu's "Out my mind, Just in Time" The beginning of the song (my favorite part) talks about how she loved and individual so much that she was willing to do whatever he asked of her. Now the song in its entirety is about 10 min long. Through out it, she is realizing the she was fool to let someone have that much control over her emotions, especially one that was not deserving of such.
Enjoy the videos.
I'm a recovering undercover over-lover
recovering from a love I can't get over
recovering undercover over-lover
and now my common law lover thinks he wants another
And I'd lie for you
I'd cry for you
and pop for you
and break for you
and hate for you
And I'll hate you too
If you want me too
Ah, Uuu...
I'd pray for you
crochet for you
Make it from scratch for you
Leave out the last for you
Go to the store for you
Do it some more for you
Do what you want me to
Yes I'm a fool for you...
My time in Cleveland...Christmas and New Years Eve (pics and videos)
Well I had a GREAT time in Cleveland. I spent a total of 2 weeks here! Yay!!! Some rest and relaxation that was much needed. Oh yeah!! Now it's time to get back to work!
My Christmas: Spent a good deal of this week arguing and fighting with my little sister. If I wasn't afraid of my mom's fury for drop kicking my sister, I would have done it SEVERAL times that week. My dad had to lay down the law and I had to remind her who the BIG sister was. Needless to say she's chilled out. Good. I thought that I was gonna have a stint in the Cleveland Heights jail my second week here. Glad we could get along. lol. No one wants a spot like that on their record. lmao. **sidenote: My little sister just informed me that her boyfriend paid her $20 to do a load of laundry for him. Yeah that's the kinda person I was dealing with. LMFAO!
I got everything on my Christmas list YES! Yes, I may be spoiled a little bit. My parents request a Christmas list from me and my siblings every year so that they know EXACTLY what I want. After I went stir crazy and almost ruined everyone's Christmas 2 years ago because I was given a coat instead of the MP3 player I wanted, my parents stick the to Christmas list! IF you're interested in knowing, I got a wine bible (YES, now I can be even MORE pretentious when it comes to the booze), sexy workout gear - I have come to find that the gym is an EXCELLENT place to meet men, an awesome IPhone case from my little bro - its a case that also has a mirror and card slots (how inventive), a Coach purse ( that I didn't even ask for - what a pleasant surprise - even more so because I really want a shoulder bag so that I could have my hands free in order to reach for my mace at seconds notice), slippers, and the only thing that I really wanted: Reebok EasyTones. YESSSS!!!!!!!!!! I yelled at my trainer because I told him that my ass was magically disappearing and he told me that i need to get these special shoes. Well I got them for Christmas!!! AND they're black and pink, just like the rest of my workout gear and boxing gloves! I got another gift, a big gift, but I'll tell you about that when I get it.
My Christmas: Spent a good deal of this week arguing and fighting with my little sister. If I wasn't afraid of my mom's fury for drop kicking my sister, I would have done it SEVERAL times that week. My dad had to lay down the law and I had to remind her who the BIG sister was. Needless to say she's chilled out. Good. I thought that I was gonna have a stint in the Cleveland Heights jail my second week here. Glad we could get along. lol. No one wants a spot like that on their record. lmao. **sidenote: My little sister just informed me that her boyfriend paid her $20 to do a load of laundry for him. Yeah that's the kinda person I was dealing with. LMFAO!
I finally got to see the prettiest baby that I've ever laid eyes on. I was able to get a video of her too. This is her and her very pretty mama in the background. Thumbs up to pretty people. lol.
New Year's Eve 2010:
HILARITY!!! The New Year's Eve party that I went to this year was held at my buddy Vrere's house. It was a Soul Trained themed party thrown by her and her parents. A blast!! The funniest thing about the evening: My friend Kari. In the video that you will see below she is drinking and carrying on, making fun of Tracy, calling her a light weight, all the while getting obliterated herself. HAHA!!! At 12:03am she swore that she wasn't drunk, sat down in a chair and passed out for the rest of the evening. HAHA!! She did however wake up for 5 min around 4:30 am and stumbled into the room where we were watching Black Dynamite. I quickly put her back to sleep on the couch. LMFAO!!! Unfortunately, I don't have photos because it takes my friends 35 years to post pics for me to steal. So you'll have to settle for the video. Please watch it in it's entirety. We were making fun of a guy, Jeff, for having extra smedium chest hairs. LOL! Good drinks, good food and good friends make my life worth living!!! *I have more videos but I'm having trouble uploading them. Bummer.
*My New Years Resolution: Kim Kardashian's Waistline, Serena Williams Ass!!!
One of my FAVORITE things about Cleveland! You can buy liquor and wine ANYWHERE!! CVS, RiteAid, ALL of the grocery stores and gas stations!!! AWESOME!
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