Arghhh!! I've just recently had to take a pause in the midst of calling someone a mutha-fucka and say to myself, what would Michelle do in this situation. She is an eloquent and intelligent lady, first lady to be exact. There was once a time too when I was such a lady. Then I moved to Philadelphia. This Quaker City racism, paired with the fact that there really are NO available men, (an available man to me is one that DOES NOT have children, has an education (four year degree and up) and is down with Jesus - oh yeah and straight), and these pretentious elitist running around with all of their heirs, has made less than a lady. As a matter of fact, using the F word was just as normal to me as brushing my teeth in the morning or washing my hands after I have used the bathroom.
Atlas, within my professional development, Michelle Obama comes to mind whenever I get the urge to take it there. I've got to say that I've started taking her lead quite nicely. With the exception of this blog post of course, I have put the word fuck back in my four letter bag. Now I gotta tell ya, I have a very extensive four letter bag - I mean I've got all kinds of combinations - but I'm happy to say that these days - I just smile and WALK AWAY. Now while I am intelligent enough to articulate my points using my extensive vocabulary (that's suburban education for you) I have always found comfort in cursing. It makes ME feel better and it's short, sweet and to the point.
I've turned over a new leaf folks. I have tried my very best to control my temper and be the lady that I once was, MichelleO-esque. Besides, no man wants a woman that curses like a sailor, it's bad enough that I can drink like one (I know, I know, I'm working on it). lol.

Side bar: Why is it that when a black woman gets angry, she's considered "ghetto", no matter what her socio-economic background is? When other women get angry - they're just standing up for themselves or just simply considered "sassy". What the shit is that all about!? I just felt my blood pressure going up just thinking about the reasons why. *sigh*
Anywho, take a look at my first lady in all of her ebony fashion fair splendor...
This is a video on Michelle's influence on AMERICAN fashion.
*I gotta tell you, she makes me feel like everything is going to be ok. Tough times don't last always.
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